Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lexi and Livy's Birth Story

Just thought I would share how Lexi and Livy came into the world.  It was all rather sudden and not the way I would have planned it, but I am so thankful that they are here and healthy. 

I started having what I thought was BH contractions Monday night and by Tuesday morning, December 27th, I thought I should head to L&D just to be on the safe side. I was only 1 cm dilated, but my BP was elevated so they decided to keep me to monitor that for a few hours. The midwife came in to let me know that I could go home and decided to check my cervix again before I left. I had dilated to 4 cm and my bag of water was bulging. Since both babies were breech the OB was afraid that my water would break and a foot would slip out. He said that it would be dangerous because they wouldn't know whose foot it was and they might try to deliver the wrong twin first. Sounded strange to me, but what do I know? Anyway - they ended up bumping a scheduled c-section, and I was in the OR before I even knew what was going on. NONE of our family had time to get to the hospital, and I didn't think they were even going to let Brandon run to the car for the camera. Luckily, he had just enough time. Lexi weighed 5 lbs even and was 18 3/4" long, and Livy weighed 4 lbs 6 oz and was 18 1/4" long. They seem so tiny! Both are doing well. Lexi may even get to come home tomorrow. Livy is having a little trouble feeding so she may have to stay a few more days, but the doctor seems to think they will both be home by the beginning of next week.

Lexi has a head full of dark hair, and Livy has just a little bit of hair that appears to be blondish brown - the same color that Wyatt had when he was born.  I know that doesn't really mean anything, but I hope that Lexi's stays dark and Livy's ends up being the same white blonde that Wyatt's was.  Both of them have tiny, narrow heads, long legs, and really long feet (imagine that).  Wyatt is the only one of the boys that has gotten to meet them, but he seems to like them so far.  I think he was a little worried about his place in everything before, and he probably still is, but he loves his little sisters anyway.

Tyler has been really excited about the babies for a while now, so I can't wait for him to meet them.  Alex told Brandon that he doesn't like babies, so I'm not anticipating him being very interested in meeting them.  :)

I didn't realize how much pain I would be in after a c-section, but it seems to be getting better every day.  I think it will take a while before I'm completely pain free, but it's all worth it to have these sweet babies here.  I'm not at all looking forward to getting rid of the weight, but I know that if I can be patient it will come off in its on time.  For those of you that know me, I'm not very patient, so this will be difficult for me. 

Thanks for following my pregnancy!  I enjoy seeing who is reading my blog and plan to keep updating it with Lexi and Livy's progress.  I wish I had done this with Wyatt because it's so easy to forget the little things that they do that mean so much.

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