Wednesday, December 14, 2011

32 weeks 6 days

Size of Babies: Growth scan today showed Lexi at 3 lbs 15 oz and Livy at 3 lbs 12 oz.

Belly:  I might be crazy, but it doesn't seem like I'm getting any bigger.  Everyone can tell that the babies have dropped though.  I'm carrying much lower than before.

Sleep: Still having consistent contractions at night, but I'm sleeping so much better after having to spend a few days in the hospital.  It was so terrible having to sleep on my back to keep the babies on the monitor that now it feels luxurious to be able to sleep however I want to.

Milestones: MFM said that if the babies are born now, they will likely be in the NICU only to learn how to feed and grow. 

Movement: Movement has picked up again.  I've been having ultrasounds every couple of days, and Livy is in a different position each time.  It seems like she wants to move into a vertex position but then misses her sister and turns back around.  They are now lying head to head like they are telling secrets.

Symptoms:  I feel so much better since I've been on complete bedrest.  I think I was just putting too much stress on my body.  I was dreading even a couple more weeks of being pregnant, but now I feel like I can do it.

Food Cravings: I'm on low sodium now, so of course, I'm craving anything salty.

Gender: 2 girls! We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to:  Welcoming our girls into this world!  They will definitely be here no later than 1/21, but the MFM doesn't believe I'll make it much past 35 weeks. That puts us into the last week of December or the first week of January.

Dr updates:  I had an appointment with my OB last Thursday.  She was going to have me do another 24 hour urine collection at home.  Before leaving, I asked her when she usually started checking the cervix for dilation.  She said that she usually started at 32 weeks and since I wouldn't be seeing her the following week, she would go ahead and check me.  She was very surprised to find that I was already 2 cm dilated.  I told her that I had been having a lot of contractions, so I wasn't all that surprised.  She decided to keep me overnight in L&D and go ahead and administer steroid injections to mature the babies' lungs.  When I checked into L&D, I started having very strong contractions every 3-5 minutes that were not slowing down.  Everyone was sure that I would be delivering the babies within the next couple of days.  Surprisingly 6 hours later, I was still at 2 cm.  The contractions finally slowed down overnight, but the babies' heart rates started decelerating while I slept.  I was hoping to go home the next day, but my blood pressure was steadily rising and the amount of protein in my urine had doubled over the last week.  I was told that I would more than likely have to stay in the hospital until the babies were born.  I was not a happy camper.  After 4 days, my blood pressure finally started to come down and stay down, and my doctor decided to let me go home on strict bed rest.  I was told to monitor my blood pressure closely and pay attention to any symptoms of preeclampsia.  Today, the MFM said that they will not stop labor if it starts at this point.  He also said that if my blood pressure goes back up, they will likely go ahead and take the babies.  So now we just wait.  My short term goal is to get us through Christmas.  I think I can make it.

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