Wednesday, December 7, 2011

31 Weeks 6 days

How Far Along: 31 weeks 6 days

Size of Babies: They should be a little over 3.5 lbs, but I'll find out for sure next Wednesday at my growth scan.

Belly:  Measuring more than 40 weeks.

Sleep: I've been having consistent contractions which makes it really hard to sleep.

Milestones: 97% survival rate and only a 15% chance of serious medical complications if born today.

Movement: Movement has slowed down.  I think they are running out of room.  Lexi is still the more active one, but I'm feeling more of a rolling sensation now instead of the jabs and kicks.  Livy doesn't move much at all.  I've had two BPPs in the past week and both times it has taken a while before the tech was comfortable passing Livy on movement.  She's practicing breathing well and her heartbeat is great.  She's just very laid back like her momma.

Symptoms:  I'm still experiencing a lot of sciatic nerve pain.  The doctor says that probably won't change until the babies are born.  I've noticed it's worse if I've moved around a lot during the day.  Heartburn is better since I've discovered Prevacid.  I'm now only taking Tums for the calcium!!  What a relief!

Food Cravings: I don't even want to eat anymore.  I think my stomach is too cramped to eat more than a few bites at a time.

Gender: 2 girls! We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to:  The end of this pregnancy.  I'm so tired of being pregnant.  I just want it to be over now even though I know the babies need more time.

Dr updates:  My bp has been high at my last 2 OB appointments.  The first time was at my 30 week appointment.  The doctor had me lie on my left side and seemed satisfied when my bp came down.  She scheduled me with a one week follow up (instead of 2 weeks) just to be cautious.  The next week, my bp was high again so they sent me to L&D for monitoring.  All of the initial tests came back fine, and they let me go after a few hours.  I had to do a 24 hour urine test, but they expected everything to be fine with that as well.  I was very surprised when the doctor called Monday evening to tell me that my test showed protein in my urine.  That combined with the high bp and rapid weight gain over the past week, led her to believe that I might be in the beginning stages of preeclampsia, so she had me come back to L&D Tuesday for more monitoring.  Bp was normal during monitoring, but there was still protein in my urine.  I was told to lie down as much as possible, and that if it gets any worse, I will be on bedrest.  She consulted with my MFM and said that we need to get to 33 weeks.  We could have these babies before Christmas!  I go back to the OB tomorrow, so I hope to have more information then. 

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