Monday, December 26, 2011

34 weeks 4 days

Size of Babies: Growth scan on Thursday showed Lexi at 4 lbs 14 oz and Livy at 4 lbs 1 oz.

Belly:  See pic.

Sleep: I am exhausted all the time!  I slept really well last night, got up at 8:30 am and fell asleep on the couch a couple hours later.  I would be asleep again now, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to sleep tonight if I do.

Milestones: Not an official milestone for the babies, but we made it through Christmas which was my personal goal.  Officially, I've made it to the point that most doctors will induce if things get the least bit hairy.  :)

Movement: So much movement.   Lexi is sitting on my cervix again, so every movement that she makes really hurts.  I still love to pull my shirt up to watch them move though.

Symptoms:  I'm feeling very uncomfortable again.  Heartburn is starting back up and the back pain is terrible.  The contractions are also getting a lot more painful that they have been before.

Food Cravings: I lost 4 lbs at my last appointment.  I'm just not hungry most of the time.

Gender: 2 girls! We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to:  We're just ready to have the girls here.  Is this the week?

Dr updates: I didn't get to see my own doctor last week since she was in Canada for Christmas.  The doctor I did see is not one of my favorites because she doesn't explain things well.  I saw where she noted that there was a size discordance between the girls, but when I asked her if she was concerned, she said no.  No further explanation.  I won't get another growth scan until next week, but since they are both over 4 lbs, I'm not too concerned either.  She didn't check my cervix, and my blood pressure was normal.  She had me go to the lab to leave a urine sample to check my protein/creatinine ratio.  The next day, I got the results via email.  Her notation said, "Your protein creatinine ratio is mildly elevated, but I would not recommend intervention at this time."  What does that mean?  If it were next week, would she intervene then?  What does the protein creatinine ratio indicate?  I, of course, immediately went to Dr. Google to figure out what this meant.  According to Google, my protein/creatinine ratio could indicate kidney damage and most doctors would recommend induction after 34 weeks.  My doctor will be back in the office tomorrow, and I would expect her to give me a call to check in then.  I definitely plan to ask her about my test results.

Here's our last family of 5 picture.  I cant wait until we can do our next one as a family of 7!

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