Thursday, September 29, 2011

22 Weeks

How Far Along: 22 weeks

Size of Babies:  They were both 13 oz at our 21 week visit.  They should be around 1 lb each now. 

Weight Gain: I've been avoiding looking at the scale, but I think I'm around 32 lbs.

Belly:  It's so weird because while I can tell that I'm growing, it doesn't seem extreme.  The weird part is that I'm having people at work come up to me all of a sudden saying they didn't know I was pregnant or people that knew that are so surprised that I've grown so much.  I guess I'm growing more than I think I am.


Sleep: Still not sleeping well, but it's better than it was when I had the cold.

Milestones: No new milestones that I know of.

Movement:  Lots of movement from both girls now.  The u/s tech showed me how to tell which baby is moving based on their locations and where the sacs divide so that makes it easier.  Lexi is still my very active one, but Livy lets me know she's their when I need her to.  The tech said that she was surprised that they are both so active since it's normal to have one that is active and one that's more laid back.  She said that both of mine are little wiggle worms.  I think I have more trouble feeling Livy because she's on the side where the placentas are located.


Symptoms:  Still having the constant heartburn, but it's cured with Tums so I'm not complaining.  I've started having much more frequent BH contractions which was diagnosed as uterine irritability when I spent 6 hours in L&D a couple of weeks ago.  I'm trying to take it a little easier which is hard when I'm constantly running from one manager meeting to the next at work.

Food Cravings: Still no specific cravings.

Gender: 2 girls!  We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to: My baby showers!  I wasn't expecting to get a shower this time around, but I'm excited that Mrs. Janice and my aunt are throwing them.  Also excited because we found someone to come and paint the babies' room in the next week or so.  I'll be glad to be able to start putting things together and moved in.  The junk in the spare bedroom is really starting to get to me.

Dr updates: MFM appointment went great.  I'll see him again at 24 weeks.  Next OB visit is Oct 12th when we start bi-weekly visits.

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