Friday, September 2, 2011

18 weeks

I wanted to do a better job documenting my pregnancy this time since it will definitely be the last time that I go through this, but I have failed miserably so far.  I saw this weekly update on another blog, and I like it so I'm going to steal it.  I don't think she will mind.  :)  Here goes!

How Far Along: 18 weeks 1 day

Size of Babies:  Baby A is around 8.5 oz/Baby B 7.5 oz

Picture:  no picture for this week

Weight Gain: 30 lbs!  eek.  Doctor assures me that this is completely normal with twins.

Belly:  getting bigger by the day it seems

Sleep: Sleep is becoming a lot more difficult since I love to sleep on my back.  That's no longer an option so I spend all night switching from one side to the other.  In between rolling over, I am having to get up at least once a night for a visit to the bathroom.

Milestones: I started feeling the babies this week.  I thought that I felt them before, but I could never say for sure.  This week I know  it was definitely one or both of them moving around.  I told Brandon it was too early for him to feel them yet, but he didn't believe me.  He put his hand on my belly and could actually tell me everytime that they moved.  I was shocked, and he was thrilled!  I love how excited he is about this pregnancy and how he wants to experience every step with me.  He has only missed one appointment so far and that was my fault.  I scheduled it during a time when he had to put our son on the bus.  What was I thinking?

Movement:  See above.

Symptoms:  Sciatic nerve pain, though it hasn't been as bad this week, and occasional indigestion.

Food Cravings: I don't have any one item that I frequently crave.  One day it was spinach dip, yesterday it was green olives, and earlier this week it was a banana and strawberry milk.  One thing I don't have much of a craving for at any time is sugary desserts.  Brandon keeps trying to push them on me, but I have no desire.

Gender: 2 girls!  We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to: Getting one more confirmation on the genders so I can get the nursery painted and start moving the furniture in.

Dr updates: Last appointment at 16 weeks 1 day with the MFM doctor went well.  Babies are measuring exactly where they should.  I had a quad screen done this week, and the results came back very low-risk for Downs syndrome, neural tube defects, and trisomy 18.  This is very good news since there is a high false positive rate with twin pregnancies.

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