Thursday, September 15, 2011

20 weeks

How Far Along: 20 weeks

Size of Babies:  They should be around 10.5 oz each, but I'll find out exactly how much next week.

Weight Gain: Still at 30 lbs

Belly:  It seems like I'm growing rapidly.  I would swear that I'm bigger in the evenings than I was when I got dressed in the morning.  However, my OB says that I'm measuring at the same fundal height as the average person carrying a singleton would.  She said it's nothing to worry about, and I can thank my height (specifically my long torso) for giving me so much room to grow.  I'm almost as big now as I was when I had Wyatt!

Sleep: I've had a cold, so sleep is harder to come by than usual.  I'm sure it's going to get a lot worse though.

Milestones: I'm over half way finished!  Technically, I reached this milestone when I reached 19 weeks because my OB will deliver the twins at 38 weeks if I don't go into labor sooner on my own.

Movement:  Lots of movement, but it all seems to be on one side, but I've heard this is fairly common.  I wasn't surprised when they found both babies on my right side with the doppler.  Apparently, my girls like to snuggle together.

Symptoms:  My sciatic nerve hasn't bothered me at all over the last two weeks!  I'm extremely excited about this even though I'm sure it'll be back as I continue to grow.  I've started experiencing more acid reflux and heart burn though.  :( Right now, it's easily cured with SEVERAL Tums.

Food Cravings: Still no specific cravings.

Gender: 2 girls!  We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to: My appointment with the MFM specialist next week.  I so look forward to getting reassurance that they are still okay.

Dr updates: 20 week appointment with my OB was this week, and I'll see the MFM specialist next week.  I'll be getting my official anatomy scan next week and they will hopefully be able to get a good look at all of the girls' organs - specifically their hearts.  This is the last month of once monthly appointments with each doc.  Next month starts my bi-weekly appointments which means I'll be seeing one doctor or the other every week.

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