Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One Year Old!

My sweet little babies turned a year old on December 27th!  I can't believe that the time has flown by so quickly, and it saddens me to think that these are my last babies. 

Livy has been walking since 11 months, and Lexi has been following her around on her knees.  She crawls very little now but is hesitant to get up on her feet.  Nana and Pa have been staying with us for the past week while I recovered from a surgery, and Nana has somehow managed to get Lexi to at least walk while holding onto something.  I believe she'll be walking in the next couple of weeks.  They already get into so much - I can't imagine what it's going to be like with both of them running around. 

Here are their 1st Birthday Pics from  FrannyS Photography.  Franny is so much fun to work with and makes you feel like you've known her forever.  If you live in the Baton Rouge/Mandeville area, you have to use her at least once. 

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