Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4 Month Update/New Business Venture

My girls are getting so big!!  At their 4 month appointment, Lexi weighed 13 lbs 8 oz  and Livy weighed 12 lbs 12 oz.  They are starting to fit into a few of their 3-6 month, but are still mostly in 0-3 months.

Livy at her 4 month appointment

4 month picture

Feeding has become a bit of a challenge since all they want to do is look around and laugh.  It's hard to be frustrated though when they are so darn cute while doing it.  Their pediatrician recommended letting them start tasting some fruits, so we gave that a try.  They have both tried apples and bananas.  Livy seems to like both and gets a little mad when I don't feed her fast enough.  Lexi makes the most awful faces when I put the spoon anywhere near her mouth, and she manages to push all of the food back out, so we are waiting a couple more weeks before attempting it with her again.

Lexi and Livy have both rolled over this month.  Lexi has figured out that if she wants to stay on her belly, then she'd better stop rolling over.  Livy, on the other hand, loves to roll onto her back or side to see what's going on.

Here are some random pics from the month, including some from our beach trip to Gulf Shores.

Nana and Livy

Lexi and Pa

Livy and Lexi hanging out with their buddy, Garrett

We had the girls' dedication on Mother's Day.  Lexi was a little cranky, but we got through it in one piece.

Me and the girls on Mother's Day
My first true love (that I don't talk about nearly enough), Wyatt
He came up with this message all on his own!

Please check out my Etsy shop - Twincess Boutique at  I'm working on new items to add everyday.  I've also created a Facebook Page, so you can look me up there too.  I'm hoping that this will allow me to stay at home with my babies soon, so buy, buy, buy! :)

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