Saturday, December 1, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9 Months

The girls are almost 10 months now, but I'm going to do a 9 month post anyway.

Livy is pulling up on everything, crawling all around the house, saying mama and dada, randomly giving sloppy "kisses" when you least expect it, and giggling all the time.  Everyone is drawn to her.  She is very attached to her Wubbanub - so much so that she now owns Lexi's Wubbanub too since Lexi doesn't have much use for hers.  She has two bottom teeth now and demands to have a taste (or several) of whatever you are eating.  At her 9 month appointment Livy weighed just under 16 lbs - still between the 5th and 10th percentile for weight and 50th for height.  Both babies are starting to wear some 6-9 mos clothes, but a lot of them are still too big.

School Pics 

Lexi is crawling everywhere now.  It's so cute the way she follows Livy around the house.  Whenever Livy finds something new to get into, Lexi has to give it a try too.  She doesn't seem very interested in pulling herself up.  She does it every now and then, but no where near as often as Livy.  Lexi has 6 teeth and another one breaking through.  I got to feel the full force of those tiny teeth tonight when she decided to bite my cheek after giving me lots of kisses.  Lexi is also saying mama and dada and just starting saying bye bye last night.  She doesn't quite have the wave down, but she's attempting that too.  Lexi weighs just over 16 lbs now.  Livy may be the life of the party, but there is nothing sweeter than one of Lexi's smiles when it's directed toward you.

Representing the entire SEC


Lexi is so happy to be playing outside!

The bird was on Wyatt's stick right before this pic.  :(

Audubon Aquarium

Official 9 month pics


Friday, August 31, 2012

7 and 8 Month Update

It's been an exciting 2 months for the girls.  They both gained well over a pound from their 6 month appointment to their 7 month appointment, and I'm sure that they've gained at least another pound since then.  Both girls are both still wearing 3-6 month clothing, but their sleepers are almost too short.  They still have quite a ways to go before they outgrow 3-6 month clothes in the waist though.

Lexi has gotten 2 teeth and it feels like she's working on 3-4 more on the top.  Livy still has none, but chews on everything, so I'm sure something is going on in those gums of hers.

Livy stood up (without holding onto anything) for the first time on 8/10/12.  I'm sure it was just a fluke, but I was amazed that she was so steady on her own.  On 8/26/12, Livy started crawling after a month of pushing herself backwards across the floor.  Lexi couldn't let her leave her behind, so she quickly followed suit 2 days later.

The girls have become pros at spending the night away from home.  The first trip was to Nana and Papa's for 3 nights so Mom and Dad could enjoy some time together at the beach.  The second trip came just one day after we got back, and unfortunately, was not for an enjoyable reason.  Brandon and I both had to work extended hours because of Hurricane Isaac, and with daycares and schools closed, Wyatt, Lexi, and Livy went to stay with Mawmaw and Pawpaw.  I managed to stay with them all but one of the nights.  I don't know what we would have done without Brandon's parents and sister.  They were a huge help!  We finally got to sleep in our own beds after many sleepless nights, everyone slept soundly all night.

 Livy and Lexi - 7 months

Picture time at my mom's birthday party

Wyatt and the girls with their cousin, Anna

Livy, Anna, and Lexi

I love the expression on Livy's face in this one.

Lexi swinging at Uncle Justin's house - note the ever present tongue

Livy waiting for Anna's birthday party

Waiting on the bus with Wyatt - 1st day of 1st grade for big brother

Lexi helping Mommy sew

Me and Brandon on our first overnight trip away from the girls

8 months

Had to get one with Wyatt



Friday, June 29, 2012

5/6 Months

So last month was a little hectic, and I failed to give a 5 month update.  Rather than go back, I'll just let you all know what the girls have been up to over the last couple of months.

I'm really hoping that the scale at the peds office was off at the girls' 4 month appointment. They had their 6 month appointment yesterday, and if the 4 month appointment was correct, Lexi has lost 3 oz in 2 months and Livy has only gained an oz.  I can't imagine that that's possible.  They seem much heavier, and they're also filling out their 3-6 month clothes better.  In any case, I have increased the volume of milk that they are getting at each feeding.  It's become a challenge to get them to finish their bottles.  I'm not sure if they just aren't hungry enough to finish or if they are too interested in what's going on around them.  We can't have the TV on while they are eating anymore because they just stare at it instead of working on their bottles.

Lexi - 5 Months

Livy - 5 Months

Livy has become a champ at eating solids.  She loves just about anything I put in her mouth and dives for the spoon when I get it in her line of vision.  She's been working on Stage 1 foods, but I think it's about time to move onto Stage 2 to give her more variety.

Livy eating bananas - just one of her favs

Lexi on the other hand, hates everything I try her on.  She cringes even when I try to give her an empty spoon.  The ped said I really need to try to get something in her, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that when she spits everything that I get in right back out.  We're adding in a lunch feeding next week, and the school will give that one, so I'm hoping that their teacher will be able to work some magic with her.

Lexi - this is the face I get with every spoonful

I believe that my supported sitters are about to be sitting on their own very soon.  They both love to sit surrounded by their Boppy pillows.  They don't usually touch the pillows, but it does help keep them balanced.  Livy has also started rolling from her back to her belly, so she is all over the place now.  I think Lexi is content to just sit still and watch everything.  It amazes me that my rambuctious baby and my calm baby have totally switched roles.  I wonder how many times this will happen over their lifetime.

Lexi - 6 Months

Livy - 6 Months

Speaking of personalities, the daycare calls Livy the "right now" baby.  She does seem to want things when she wants them and not a minute later.  She is so spunky and loves to giggle and talk.  It also makes me giggle too when she laughs out loud.  Lexi is more quiet.  She loves to talk too, but it's usually in lower tones - like she's telling you a secret.  She's also a happy baby and usually has a smile for anyone that speaks to her.

They love being outside.

Livy - always with a hand in her mouth

Lexi - such a sweet smile all the time

Me and the girls - I love Livy's face here

Over the past couple of months, Lexi and Livy made another trip to Brewton to Nana and Pa's house.  This time they got to meet their Great Uncle Rod and Aunt JoAnn, and they also got to visit with their Mawmaw Taylor for the 2nd time.  They also went to the beach again - this time to Orange Beach - and got to try out swimming for the first time.  They love bath time, so I had a feeling that they would love a warm pool too - and they did.

                                                         Swimming with daddy

Lexi hanging out with Wyatt by the bay
My business has really been picking up.  There have been a few weeks where I've had way too much to do while working full time and taking care of twins, but I love it and don't want to turn down any business.  If you haven't checked out my Etsy shop, do it now.

Here's some of the things I've completed recently.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4 Month Update/New Business Venture

My girls are getting so big!!  At their 4 month appointment, Lexi weighed 13 lbs 8 oz  and Livy weighed 12 lbs 12 oz.  They are starting to fit into a few of their 3-6 month, but are still mostly in 0-3 months.

Livy at her 4 month appointment

4 month picture

Feeding has become a bit of a challenge since all they want to do is look around and laugh.  It's hard to be frustrated though when they are so darn cute while doing it.  Their pediatrician recommended letting them start tasting some fruits, so we gave that a try.  They have both tried apples and bananas.  Livy seems to like both and gets a little mad when I don't feed her fast enough.  Lexi makes the most awful faces when I put the spoon anywhere near her mouth, and she manages to push all of the food back out, so we are waiting a couple more weeks before attempting it with her again.

Lexi and Livy have both rolled over this month.  Lexi has figured out that if she wants to stay on her belly, then she'd better stop rolling over.  Livy, on the other hand, loves to roll onto her back or side to see what's going on.

Here are some random pics from the month, including some from our beach trip to Gulf Shores.

Nana and Livy

Lexi and Pa

Livy and Lexi hanging out with their buddy, Garrett

We had the girls' dedication on Mother's Day.  Lexi was a little cranky, but we got through it in one piece.

Me and the girls on Mother's Day
My first true love (that I don't talk about nearly enough), Wyatt
He came up with this message all on his own!

Please check out my Etsy shop - Twincess Boutique at  I'm working on new items to add everyday.  I've also created a Facebook Page, so you can look me up there too.  I'm hoping that this will allow me to stay at home with my babies soon, so buy, buy, buy! :)