Thursday, November 3, 2011

27 Weeks - Welcome to the Third Trimester!

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Size of Babies: 2.25 lbs each and 15 inches long.  I'm up to 4.5 lbs of baby - the same weight as a 33 weeker

Weight Gain: 45 lbs

Belly:  My belly button has almost completely flattened out.  I guess I'm lucky that it hasn't turned into an outie yet.

Sleep: Back to not sleeping well.  Even the Tylenol PM and Benadryl leaves me with fitful sleep, and then I'm tired the next day.  I guess I'd better get used to that though.

Milestones: I'm now in the 3rd trimester!!!

Movement: Sometimes I think that the girls are trying to escape.  They push so hard that it feels like they will break through at any moment. 

Symptoms:  Extreme back pain - Braxton hicks that I can feel all the way around to my back.  It has gotten better since I've cut back to half days at work though.

Food Cravings: Still no specific cravings.

Gender: 2 girls!  We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to: Baby shower in a little over a week!  I hope to see some of you there!  I still miss my Brewton friends and the family that I NEVER get to see.

Dr updates:  28 week check up with the OB next week followed by a 29 week ultrasound and cervix check with the perinatologist.

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