Thursday, November 17, 2011

29 Weeks

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Size of Babies: Lexi weighs 2 lbs 13 oz and Livy is at 2 lbs 8 oz, and they are both a little over 15 inches long.

Belly:  Getting bigger and bigger!  Everyone is still saying that I look small for carrying twins.

Sleep: Still not sleeping much which makes it harder and harder to get through work each day.

Milestones: The babies now have a 90% chance of survival!!  I'm still not ready for them to come, but at least I know they will more than likely be okay if they do.

Movement: Lexi is still doing acrobatics and is now sitting directly on my cervix.  It's very uncomfortable, but I love that she moves so much.  Livy gave us a scare this week.  I didn't feel her move all weekend, so I called the doctor first thing Monday morning.  She had me come in for an ultrasound, and Livy didn't move the entire time!  We did see her heart beating and her growth was good, so we decided she's just being lazy.  Later that day, she started moving a little more.  Livy has also decided to be a good girl and turn head down.  Unfortunately, unless Lexi turns, I'll still have to have a c-section.   :( The tech said she has enough fluid and with her level of movement, she still has time to turn, but not much.

Symptoms:  Sciatic nerve pain is back making it extremely hard to walk.  Hopefully, it will pass quickly.  Heartburn and acid reflux are now my daily companions.  I'm eating Tums all day - getting relief for 30 minutes to an hour before it comes back again.

Food Cravings: Still no specific cravings.

Gender: 2 girls! We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to: Thanksgiving!  I can't wait to see my family for Thanksgiving, but I'm looking forward to having a few days off even more.

Dr updates:  I had my 28 week check up with my OB last week.  She dropped the most horrifying piece of information on me.  If everything is looking perfect, she will not induce until 39 weeks!  My mouth dropped, and I told her that I was NOT going to 39 weeks.  She smiled and said that almost no one makes it that far, and everything has to be perfect for that to happen.  Average delivery for twins is between 35-37 weeks.  I'm shooting for 36.

29 week appointment with the MFM doctor went well.  The babies were measuring appropriately on the growth scan, and my cervix is still considered long.  Apparently, long is anywhere from 3-5 cm, and I'm at 3.2 cm. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Stationery card

Merry Memories Christmas Card
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

27 Weeks - Welcome to the Third Trimester!

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Size of Babies: 2.25 lbs each and 15 inches long.  I'm up to 4.5 lbs of baby - the same weight as a 33 weeker

Weight Gain: 45 lbs

Belly:  My belly button has almost completely flattened out.  I guess I'm lucky that it hasn't turned into an outie yet.

Sleep: Back to not sleeping well.  Even the Tylenol PM and Benadryl leaves me with fitful sleep, and then I'm tired the next day.  I guess I'd better get used to that though.

Milestones: I'm now in the 3rd trimester!!!

Movement: Sometimes I think that the girls are trying to escape.  They push so hard that it feels like they will break through at any moment. 

Symptoms:  Extreme back pain - Braxton hicks that I can feel all the way around to my back.  It has gotten better since I've cut back to half days at work though.

Food Cravings: Still no specific cravings.

Gender: 2 girls!  We found out on August 18, 2011.

Names: Alexis (Lexi) Louise & Olivia (Livy) Ann

What I'm Looking Forward to: Baby shower in a little over a week!  I hope to see some of you there!  I still miss my Brewton friends and the family that I NEVER get to see.

Dr updates:  28 week check up with the OB next week followed by a 29 week ultrasound and cervix check with the perinatologist.