Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9 Months

The girls are almost 10 months now, but I'm going to do a 9 month post anyway.

Livy is pulling up on everything, crawling all around the house, saying mama and dada, randomly giving sloppy "kisses" when you least expect it, and giggling all the time.  Everyone is drawn to her.  She is very attached to her Wubbanub - so much so that she now owns Lexi's Wubbanub too since Lexi doesn't have much use for hers.  She has two bottom teeth now and demands to have a taste (or several) of whatever you are eating.  At her 9 month appointment Livy weighed just under 16 lbs - still between the 5th and 10th percentile for weight and 50th for height.  Both babies are starting to wear some 6-9 mos clothes, but a lot of them are still too big.

School Pics 

Lexi is crawling everywhere now.  It's so cute the way she follows Livy around the house.  Whenever Livy finds something new to get into, Lexi has to give it a try too.  She doesn't seem very interested in pulling herself up.  She does it every now and then, but no where near as often as Livy.  Lexi has 6 teeth and another one breaking through.  I got to feel the full force of those tiny teeth tonight when she decided to bite my cheek after giving me lots of kisses.  Lexi is also saying mama and dada and just starting saying bye bye last night.  She doesn't quite have the wave down, but she's attempting that too.  Lexi weighs just over 16 lbs now.  Livy may be the life of the party, but there is nothing sweeter than one of Lexi's smiles when it's directed toward you.

Representing the entire SEC


Lexi is so happy to be playing outside!

The bird was on Wyatt's stick right before this pic.  :(

Audubon Aquarium

Official 9 month pics
