Friday, August 31, 2012

7 and 8 Month Update

It's been an exciting 2 months for the girls.  They both gained well over a pound from their 6 month appointment to their 7 month appointment, and I'm sure that they've gained at least another pound since then.  Both girls are both still wearing 3-6 month clothing, but their sleepers are almost too short.  They still have quite a ways to go before they outgrow 3-6 month clothes in the waist though.

Lexi has gotten 2 teeth and it feels like she's working on 3-4 more on the top.  Livy still has none, but chews on everything, so I'm sure something is going on in those gums of hers.

Livy stood up (without holding onto anything) for the first time on 8/10/12.  I'm sure it was just a fluke, but I was amazed that she was so steady on her own.  On 8/26/12, Livy started crawling after a month of pushing herself backwards across the floor.  Lexi couldn't let her leave her behind, so she quickly followed suit 2 days later.

The girls have become pros at spending the night away from home.  The first trip was to Nana and Papa's for 3 nights so Mom and Dad could enjoy some time together at the beach.  The second trip came just one day after we got back, and unfortunately, was not for an enjoyable reason.  Brandon and I both had to work extended hours because of Hurricane Isaac, and with daycares and schools closed, Wyatt, Lexi, and Livy went to stay with Mawmaw and Pawpaw.  I managed to stay with them all but one of the nights.  I don't know what we would have done without Brandon's parents and sister.  They were a huge help!  We finally got to sleep in our own beds after many sleepless nights, everyone slept soundly all night.

 Livy and Lexi - 7 months

Picture time at my mom's birthday party

Wyatt and the girls with their cousin, Anna

Livy, Anna, and Lexi

I love the expression on Livy's face in this one.

Lexi swinging at Uncle Justin's house - note the ever present tongue

Livy waiting for Anna's birthday party

Waiting on the bus with Wyatt - 1st day of 1st grade for big brother

Lexi helping Mommy sew

Me and Brandon on our first overnight trip away from the girls

8 months

Had to get one with Wyatt

