Friday, June 29, 2012

5/6 Months

So last month was a little hectic, and I failed to give a 5 month update.  Rather than go back, I'll just let you all know what the girls have been up to over the last couple of months.

I'm really hoping that the scale at the peds office was off at the girls' 4 month appointment. They had their 6 month appointment yesterday, and if the 4 month appointment was correct, Lexi has lost 3 oz in 2 months and Livy has only gained an oz.  I can't imagine that that's possible.  They seem much heavier, and they're also filling out their 3-6 month clothes better.  In any case, I have increased the volume of milk that they are getting at each feeding.  It's become a challenge to get them to finish their bottles.  I'm not sure if they just aren't hungry enough to finish or if they are too interested in what's going on around them.  We can't have the TV on while they are eating anymore because they just stare at it instead of working on their bottles.

Lexi - 5 Months

Livy - 5 Months

Livy has become a champ at eating solids.  She loves just about anything I put in her mouth and dives for the spoon when I get it in her line of vision.  She's been working on Stage 1 foods, but I think it's about time to move onto Stage 2 to give her more variety.

Livy eating bananas - just one of her favs

Lexi on the other hand, hates everything I try her on.  She cringes even when I try to give her an empty spoon.  The ped said I really need to try to get something in her, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that when she spits everything that I get in right back out.  We're adding in a lunch feeding next week, and the school will give that one, so I'm hoping that their teacher will be able to work some magic with her.

Lexi - this is the face I get with every spoonful

I believe that my supported sitters are about to be sitting on their own very soon.  They both love to sit surrounded by their Boppy pillows.  They don't usually touch the pillows, but it does help keep them balanced.  Livy has also started rolling from her back to her belly, so she is all over the place now.  I think Lexi is content to just sit still and watch everything.  It amazes me that my rambuctious baby and my calm baby have totally switched roles.  I wonder how many times this will happen over their lifetime.

Lexi - 6 Months

Livy - 6 Months

Speaking of personalities, the daycare calls Livy the "right now" baby.  She does seem to want things when she wants them and not a minute later.  She is so spunky and loves to giggle and talk.  It also makes me giggle too when she laughs out loud.  Lexi is more quiet.  She loves to talk too, but it's usually in lower tones - like she's telling you a secret.  She's also a happy baby and usually has a smile for anyone that speaks to her.

They love being outside.

Livy - always with a hand in her mouth

Lexi - such a sweet smile all the time

Me and the girls - I love Livy's face here

Over the past couple of months, Lexi and Livy made another trip to Brewton to Nana and Pa's house.  This time they got to meet their Great Uncle Rod and Aunt JoAnn, and they also got to visit with their Mawmaw Taylor for the 2nd time.  They also went to the beach again - this time to Orange Beach - and got to try out swimming for the first time.  They love bath time, so I had a feeling that they would love a warm pool too - and they did.

                                                         Swimming with daddy

Lexi hanging out with Wyatt by the bay
My business has really been picking up.  There have been a few weeks where I've had way too much to do while working full time and taking care of twins, but I love it and don't want to turn down any business.  If you haven't checked out my Etsy shop, do it now.

Here's some of the things I've completed recently.