Wednesday, April 4, 2012

3 Months

The girls are 3 months old now.  I'll probably say this every month, but I just can't believe how quickly time is flying by.  I've been back at work for 2 weeks now.  :(  It is quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  Lucky for me, my mom came over from Alabama to watch them for a few weeks, so they won't actually start daycare until mid-April.  I'm not looking forward to them being sick all of the time.  I'm secretly hoping that we'll be lucky, and they'll have amazing immune systems and stay well.  They've already had a couple of runny noses from Wyatt though, so I'm not holding my breath.

I'm usually the girls' photographer, but they are not as happy in the evenings, so my mom had to take the girls' 3 month pictures since it fell during the week when I had to be at work.  Here are a few them.

The girls haven't been weighed since their 2 month appointment, so I have no idea how much they weigh now.

I am loving how happy these babies are!  Unless it's their daily cranky time (in the evening), they love to be talked to.  They will spend an hour cooing, smiling, and squealing at anyone who will pay attention to them. 

Livy is especially happy to see me when I get home from work.  She usually whines when someone else has her and stops when I take her.

They are both really good babies.  They're both sleeping through the night (and most of the day).  I'm wondering if they are ever going to spend more time awake during the day, but I'm not complaining.  I know that soon enough, I'll wish they would take more naps.

I believe that Lexi is very close to rolling over.  She picks her shoulders and legs so far off the floor that I'm surprised she hasn't done it already, but I know it's coming any day now.  Livy, on the other hand, doesn't seem interested in it all.  I'm sure that like a lot of other things, she'll see Lexi do it and then become interested.

Here are some other pics from the past month.

On an unrelated note, I'm now appliqueing things to make enough money to pay for the embroidery machine that I bought.  If you are interested check out my facebook album for designs.  I can find a design if you are looking for something in particular.