Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lexi and Livy - 2 Month Update

The girls are two months old!  Time is really flying by.  I have three more weeks before I have to go back to work, and I'm absolutely dreading it.  I keep thinking (and praying) that something will happen that will allow me to stay home with them. 

Here's what's been going on this month:

Lexi now weighs 8 lbs 12 oz and is 22.5 inches long.  Livy weighs 8 lbs 4 oz and is 22.25 inches long.  I had to move them up to 0-3 month sleepers because neither of them could straighten their legs out.  Nothing else in a 0-3 month fits yet though.  Their waists are too tiny.  I found a preemie growth chart online and plugged in the girls' measurements.  For adjusted age, both girls are in the 95th percentile for height.  Lexi is in the 50th percentile for weight and Livy is just a little lower.  Looks like the may be tall like their momma. 

Lexi and Livy have woken up.  They are no longer sleeping all day, and frequently have screaming sessions either one at a time or together.  Some days I spend the whole day rocking one baby and then the next or both babies together.  They don't like to share my arms though, so rocking them together doesn't work so well a lot of the time.

I've been enjoying their little smiles more and more each day as they start sharing them more often.  They also throw in a coo every now and then.

Sometimes I'm afraid they are going to hurt their neck from trying to pick it up so often.  They especially like to do this when I am rocking them so they can stare me in the eyes. 

This month, we made another trip to Nana and Pa Taylor's, and the girls met their Uncle Justin and cousin, Anna.  I made the trip without Brandon, and I'm not looking forward to doing that again anytime soon.  It's too far to go without stopping to feed and change them, and stopping takes almost a full hour - turning a four hour trip into a five hour one.  Wyatt was with us too, so of course, he was a little impatient. 

Pa and Livy

Pa and Lexi

Nana and Livy

Mommy and Lexi

Mawmaw Taylor and Lexi

Mawmaw Taylor and Livy - This was the only way she would stop crying.

They also went to their Mawmaw and Pawpaw River's house a few times and got to meet a lot of their family there for the first time.

Natali and Lexi

Pawpaw Dan and Livy

Melanie and Livy

Here are some other random pics from this month.  I'm going to try to get my camera out more often.  It's just been too easy to snap a picture with my phone when you have one of them in your arms or they give you a smile spontaneously, but I know I'm going to regret not having better pictures of them if I keep this up.

Lexi couldn't take her eyes off the poodle that Nana bought her.

Playing together

Livy likes the poodle too

I seem to get more pictures of Lexi because she is happier just sitting with me.  If Livy is awake she usually wants to be held or entertained in her bouncer or swing.





Lastly, if anyone knows of any moms of twin girls that would be interested in passing on their coordinating or matching outfits, please send them my way or give me some contact information.  I would love to be able to buy them from them.  Even buying play clothes times two gets really expensive.  The boutique items are outrageous when you are buying for two, and you can't just buy one because you can't put one baby in a boutique outfit and one in something from Carter's.  (I'm not knocking Carter's - I love their clothes, but on both babies at the same time.)  I know several moms with twin girls, but they are either the same age as mine or only one season ahead which puts them in the wrong season for me.  Thanks in advance!